Can you really use the Law of Attraction to call in new, high-quality clients? The answer is, “YES” and today I’m going to tell you how to use the law of attraction in business. 

How to use the law of attraction in business

When it comes to the Law of Attraction I think we all somewhat think of the book or movie, The Secret. This was a major concept in the professional sphere for a while, but for many, it was more of a pleasant idea than something they were actually willing to implement into their daily lives. The reason usually is that they can’t exactly see how the Law of Attraction can fit within their business. This is why today I am walking you through how you can implement the Law of Attraction directly into your business starting right now. 

The first step in how to use the Law of Attraction in business is to get extremely clear on your desired outcome. 

It’s not enough to say, “I want a million dollars”. Yeah, we all could use a little more cash in our pockets. No, with the LOA you have to get insanely specific. If you’re thinking numbers, think of it down to the penny. Think of the how, the why, and what it’s going to take to get there. Envision the outcome and think about every last detail. Where are you? How does it feel? Who are you with? What are you wearing? The more clear you can become the easier it is to attract your desire. 

Let me give you a specific example of how this could work in your business. Let’s say you’re wanting to attract your ideal clients.

You’ll want to start by getting EXTREMELY clear on who this ideal client is.
  • What are their demographics?
  • What are their likes and dislikes? 
  • Where are they hanging out online? 
  • Who are they already listening to? 
  • What podcasts do they listen to?
  • What magazines do they subscribe to?
  • What YouTube channels do they watch? 

When you get so extremely clear on who this ideal client is, you not only attract them energetically, but you are better able to tailor your work and marketing directly to them. 

*Why Don’t You Want It?*

When I have a client telling me that their desires aren’t coming to fruition I tend to ask them why don’t they want it? Which can trip them up, but let me explain. 

We tend to have a lot of desires that get confused with what we think we should want. What other people have, what our parents expect, what we think is a “logical” desire. This can really mess us up because you can’t trick yourself or the universe. If it’s not a heart-felt desire that you truly want, you’re more likely to self-sabotage to make sure it doesn’t happen. 

To share an example, from my own experience, I believed for a long time that I wanted a very large one-on-one and group coaching business.

I thought this was the dream, but deep down inside I knew that I wanted to be in front of the camera. I knew that I wanted to be a public figure and I wanted a business that was a little bit more 70-30 in terms of 70% passive income and 30% active income coming from one-on-one coaching and group coaching clients. 

I didn’t actually want that thing that I was asking for, so therefore I wasn’t able to grow my business with one-on-one and group coaching. I started to wonder why everything was stalling out. It took me some time to be honest with myself and say, “well, that’s not exactly what you want even though you’re saying that you want it.”

Then I had to pivot, be honest with myself, and decide that I wanted a business where I’d be in front of the camera, creating content, selling on-demand courses, and making money from affiliate income while also helping clients at a one-on-one and group coaching level.

Once I started doing that, things just started exploding from there, and guess what, it was easy. When I was following my heartfelt desire everything became clear and simple, and just started working. 

The second step in how to use the Law of Attraction in business is to become a vibrational match for your desire. 

So what does that mean? Well, negative energy tends to attract negative energy. It’s the reason why when people are down or depressed or feeling sad, they don’t like being around someone happy and upbeat. Ever heard the saying, “misery loves company”? On the same note, positive energy tends to attract positive energy. When it comes to your business you want to consider that the energy of money tends to attract more money. When you’re living in a state of abundance and gratitude money tends to find its way to that source. 

Now, how do you become a vibrational match?

What does that look like? For example, let’s say you want to attract a partner or a spouse. If you’re looking for someone loving, well, you’ve got to be a loving person. If you’re looking for someone who is going to listen to you, you have to be the type of person that’s going to listen. You would want to become your desire rather than needing it to complete you. 

When it comes to implementing this into your business let’s focus on the idea of attracting high-quality clients. I’m not saying that you have to invest in a $2,000 course to be a vibrational match for selling a $2,000 course. Some teachers preach that, and it’s just not how I think about it. I think about the feeling behind it. If you’re wanting people to invest in what you have to offer I suggest becoming an energetic match for investing in yourself. If that means buying a $10 book on Amazon that’s fine. Or attending a free training but dedicating your whole attention and focus to it, that works. Focus on the feeling rather than the exact action and that’s how you’ll be able to attract those high-paying clients. 

The third step in how to use the Law of Attraction in business is to decide. 

You need to have a certain level of confidence when attracting your desires. You have to decide what you want, why you want it, and that you’re going to go after it with full force. When you truly believe you can have it, that’s when the work starts. 

This is the most simple step, but it’s powerful. You have to be grounded in your desires and have true clarity on your mission. You have to decide that you believe in this, that you believe in yourself, and you can have it. 

The fourth step in how to use the Law of Attraction in business is to hold the vision. 

It is so easy to get distracted, discouraged, and frustrated during this process. There will be so many people telling you that you’re crazy, outside influences taking a hit to your ego, and you might have to sink before you can rise. That happens, but it is your job to hold the vision. Sometimes this process and your journey are like a slingshot. You’re being pulled farther back so that you can launch forward that much faster and farther. It’s truly about having faith and letting yourself believe in your power more than you believe the naysayers. 

There you have it! My steps on how to use the Law of Attraction in business. That being said, if you’re looking for more guidance and help with this process come join me in the Manifest NOW bundle! 


Confidently Step Into The Version Of Yourself Who Gets Exactly What You Desire And Decide To Have. 

What’s Included…

  • How to Set Powerful Goals – These start the manifestation process with immediacy [Includes video & worksheet]
  • How to Manifest Faster – If you feel like your manifestation is slow to come, you’ll love these trainings and exercises [Includes video, supplemental audio, & worksheet]
  • Rewiring Your Subconscious – How to use sleep to manifest your dreams into reality [Includes video training]
  • How to Manifest Through Scripting – Write your way to rich, hot, and happy [Includes video & screenshots of scripting from my journal]
  • How to Manage Fear – This covers dealing with your emotions as your desired manifestation is on its way [Includes video and journaling prompts]
  • Listening to Your Inner Guidance – How to feel 100% supported no matter what anyone around you says or your current reality [Includes video, supplemental audio, & worksheet]

By the time you complete Manifest NOW, you will have the clarity you need to create the life you desire, and the confidence to stand in your power as a creator.

I believe that you can create your life… 

…but first, you have to decide. 

Because your dreams deserve your decision and you deserve to achieve your dreams but only if you decide to do whatever it takes to get them.

Are you ready?

Click HERE to join Manifest NOW! 

Hi, I'm LaTisha Styles, and I'm here to help you get clients for your digital product empire! When you're ready, there's 3 ways I can help.

1. If you're getting started selling coaching, I recommend you start with this affordable course.

  • Brand New Coach: Ever wish you could go back in time and give your former self the shortcuts to success? I wish I could. But since I can't, I'll give you the shortcuts instead. In this mini course, I share exactly what I would do if I were starting a new coaching practice

2. If you're ready to build a digital product empire, I recommend you get this foundational course.

  • The Path to 6-Figures: The ONE thing you need to have a wildly successful digital product empire is a marketing system that works for you, bringing consistent clients. I've generated $1M+ selling my knowledge in courses, coaching, and consulting. In this course, you'll finally put together all the pieces you need to have a system that runs on auto-pilot.

3. If you'd like to get my direct help, apply for a consultation call. I offer done-for-you services to help you get clients with systems that work for you.

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