Do you ever succumb to your emotions?

Like when you plan to work out early in the morning, you have every intention to and you’re super motivated the night before — but then the morning comes and you regret all your life choices.

You’re tired, cranky, whiny, and you really, really don’t want to go… so you don’t.

I know, we’ve all been there, but that’s in direct correlation to the #1 thing that will prevent you (or your clients) from getting results. Letting your emotions determine your next action. 

The #1 thing that will prevent you (or your clients) from getting results
One of the most impactful things you can do with your business and personal life is to recognize that you have emotions, but you are not your emotions. 

There are three points in our decision-making process where our emotions try to take over and hinder our success.

The first one being, “I don’t even want to start”. 

Before you’ve even started your brain is giving you every single reason it can think of NOT to move forward. 

  • “I’m tired” 
  • “I don’t know how to do this” 
  • “There isn’t enough time” 
  • “I’ll do it later” / “I’ll start tomorrow” 

These phrases we say to ourselves are all too familiar, and yet they are the most dangerous to our success. In these moments you’re letting your emotions, fear, resistance, and limiting beliefs stop you before you can even take the first step. 

In these moments you MUST push past your emotions and all the naysayers in your head and simply start. Once you take one step it’s so much easier to take another, and another. For example, going back to the gym. It can be so hard to get there, but how many times have you ever left the gym feeling like you regretted it? Probably close to never right? 

It’s the same for writing a book per se. All you have to do is start with one paragraph, then a page, then 10 pages, then a chapter, and before you know it half the book is done. At that point, you’ll have to finish because you’ve already come this far. 

It’s like the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” A bunch of little steps will take you far in your life and business. 

The second point is once you’ve started and the initial spark wears off. 

Let’s say you’ve signed up for a course. You’ve followed the instructor forever, you were so excited when you read the sales page, it felt good to put down the money, and you’ve been buzzing through all the content like crazy. It’s exciting, fun, uplifting — but then about a week or so later you start to get a little distracted. Stuff comes up with work, family comes into town, you get sick, or life just happens. Before you know it you haven’t even thought about the course. 

This happens often, and it could even be happening with your own clients. Complacency is so harmful to your overall happiness and success because it’s a sneaky one. It doesn’t necessarily feel bad or negative, you just simply get bored. You fall back into your old patterns, stay comfortable, and do not move forward. 

The thing is, life and business aren’t always going to be thrilling. Success doesn’t always feel like a big milestone or celebration. However, that doesn’t mean you should pause your dreams every time the journey gets dull. That’s why I recommend building habits that correspond with your dreams and goals. 

For example, if education is a part of your success, set aside 30-60 minutes every day, at the same time every day, where you sit in the same spot, with the same cup of coffee or tea, and you work on your course or read a book, etc. Whatever that looks like for you, the more consistency the better. 

If it becomes an ingrained habit that feels natural to you, your new comfort zone becomes the higher level of yourself and your business. 

The final point where our emotions try to hinder us the most is when the going gets rough. 

Let’s use the fitness example for this one. Say you’re on a hike up a mountain. The first few miles felt good. You were motivated, excited, full of energy — but now you’re going straight uphill and your motivation is depleting. It’s hot, your legs hurt, your feet are blistering, you’re breathing heavily, it’s hard. It’s at this point where you start wondering if you want to turn around and go back. 

This is the moment where growth really happens. When it hurts, when you’re tired, when it’s hard. The moments that push us, build us. 

It’s the same in business. You will get discouraged sometimes and things don’t go your way all the time. In these moments it’s so important to feel moving forward, keep pushing up the mountain, because once you get to the top, trust me, the view is pretty great. 

There you have it, the #1 thing that will prevent you (or your clients) from getting results, letting yourself be led by your emotions. All this being said, I truly believe that our thoughts and beliefs determine our future. 

I believe you can have anything and everything you’ve ever wanted, and all you have to do is decide. 

The big question has always been,


When it comes to how I built my 6-7 figure online coaching business people are always wanting to know the exact process of how I made it happen. Here’s what I tell them:

I wanted it. I saw it, I asked for it, I enjoyed the in-between time, I owned it. 

In short, I believe in manifestation.

  • But you probably want to know more than that. Like how you can create your own manifestation process.
  • How to get everything that has your name on it.
  • How to actually bring your desires into the here and now.

If you want to manifest the life you were meant to own, then you need to…

Confidently Step Into The Version Of Yourself WhoGets Exactly What You Desire And Decide To Have

By the time you complete Manifest NOW, you will have the clarity you need to create the life you desire, and the confidence to stand in your power as a creator.

I believe that you can create your life… 

…but first, you have to decide. 

Because your dreams deserve your decision and you deserve to achieve your dreams but only if you decide to do whatever it takes to get them.

Are you ready?

Click here to sign up!

Hi, I'm LaTisha Styles, and I'm here to help you get clients for your digital product empire! When you're ready, there's 3 ways I can help.

1. If you're getting started selling coaching, I recommend you start with this affordable course.

  • Brand New Coach: Ever wish you could go back in time and give your former self the shortcuts to success? I wish I could. But since I can't, I'll give you the shortcuts instead. In this mini course, I share exactly what I would do if I were starting a new coaching practice

2. If you're ready to build a digital product empire, I recommend you get this foundational course.

  • The Path to 6-Figures: The ONE thing you need to have a wildly successful digital product empire is a marketing system that works for you, bringing consistent clients. I've generated $1M+ selling my knowledge in courses, coaching, and consulting. In this course, you'll finally put together all the pieces you need to have a system that runs on auto-pilot.

3. If you'd like to get my direct help, apply for a consultation call. I offer done-for-you services to help you get clients with systems that work for you.

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