how youre silently repelling high-ticket clients

And what to do to fix it.

At this point most people are thinking, "Even if I could raise my rates, I wouldn’t know how to get high-ticket clients on the phone or what to say to close them."

Especially after making it through part 3 of this series where I shared the 3 proven psychological triggers to gain 7 clients in less than 14 days.

If you missed that, you can read it here.

That's why this final piece is so crucial. You might actually be silently repelling high-ticket clients in two very specific ways without even knowing it.

This is all about how to speak the language of a high-ticket client. How are they different from other potential clients?

How to Naturally Attract High-Ticket Coaching Clients

Let’s break it down. You wouldn’t go to Spain and start speaking Japanese and expect to be understood, right?

You have to speak the same language of the person you want to connect with.

This is the principle of Like Attracts Like.

When do we see this principle in action in real life? You've probably heard the following phrases:

Birds of a feather flock together.

Or this one?

The rich get richer.

Here are a few more.

Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are.

Miguel de Cervantes (1547 - 1616)

Or this one from the Bible.

Walk with the wise and become wise...

Proverbs 13:20a

We see this over and over again which is why we understand it to be true.

It makes sense that if you can identify as a high-ticket client yourself, that you’ll easily attract high-ticket clients, right?

When my clients wanted to do this, they were faced with making this shift.

Why High-Ticket Clients Focus on Experience Over Utility

You must understand that a high-ticket client focuses on quality of experience over utility.

What does this mean? Let’s use an airplane as an example.

A plane will absolutely get everyone to the same destination. That's the utility or usefulness of a plane.

travel with suitcase image

But a client focused on quality of experience over utility will value the experience, extra leg room, and better service, of a seat with a higher price tag. They do not only care about the utility of getting from one place to the next.

Believe it or not, low rates actually scare the high ticket client. Why? Because they know and attribute better service and a better experience to a higher ticket investment.

And because they want a better experience, they will always say no to what they don’t want.

How does this show up? How do you know if this block is silently repelling your high-ticket clients?

Confused Marketing Blocks High-Ticket Coaching Clients

You’ll know if your marketing is confused. That means:

  • You don’t know with 100% clarity who you want as a client (Ideal client)
  • You don’t know with 100% clarity what to offer them (Offer)
  • You don’t know with 100% clarity how to speak to them (Messaging)
  • You don’t have a repeatable process for enrolling them (Sales System)

If you’re confused, you are confusing your potential clients.

When I invite a client to work with me, we keep it simple.

  • We get clear on their ideal client.
  • We create a high-value coaching offer with an investment for the high-ticket client.
  • We create a presentation with messaging that overcomes the objections of their potential clients, all while positioning them as the expert, qualifying the right clients, and that presentation books their calendar with motivated buyers.
  • Then we work on their call presence so they can confidently close with every ideal client.

If you don’t shift this block you’ll continue to speak, act, and vibrate at the level that attracts low quality clients. You’ll continue to look at your bank account with a feeling of dread and frustration. You’ll continue to hear “that’s too expensive” even when you know your rates are lower than they should be.

But when you shift this, you’ll start speaking the language of a high-ticket client because you are one yourself. You’ll have a sales process to systematically bring clients to you. You’ll look at your bank account and see a number that excites you. You’ll start hearing “how do we get started?”

What’s the second block preventing you from booking high-ticket clients?

How to Speak the Language of High-Ticket Coaching Clients

By now most are thinking, "Ok but even if I raise my rates, and even if I can get high-ticket clients on the phone, I wouldn’t know what to say to close."

That’s ok.

In fact, every call that I host, I have no idea what to say to close. And neither do my clients. But they are still able to close over the phone and many times on the very first call.


My clients have shifted this final block.

Why High-Ticket Coaching Clients Get Better Results

You must understand momentum and lean into it.

Hesitation will kill you every time. The longer you agonize over a decision, the longer your clients will too.

This means avoiding the perfection trap.

understand momentum image

How does this show up? How do you know if this block is silently repelling high-ticket clients?

You view mentoring as a cost, instead of an investment, therefore the objections that you hear are the same ones that you give.

"Can I get back to you?"

Or this one...

"I wasn’t expecting it to be that much. I need to check my budget."

Don’t make the mistake of believing that clients cannot get resourceful.

I've seen clients get resourceful and sell things around the house, collect money that was owed to them, find an investor, use income from their 9-5 job, open a line of credit, sell a car, and more.

If you can’t or won’t then you can expect to continue attracting clients who are more committed to their mess than their success.

Why? It’s your own vibration that attracts these types of clients and repels clients who are willing to do what it takes to get results. Your dominant level of thought is creating more of itself. and attracting more of itself. Remember like attracts like.

Often this block gets bigger and bigger after making an investment that did not work out.

Karwanna could have allowed the past to prevent her from taking action again. After spending thousands with nothing to show for it, she took the leap again, realizing that she had to be the client she wanted to attract. She knew she would show up and do the work.

In just a few weeks of working together she started making sales of a new offer.

How much more successful could you be if you only knew exactly what to do?

If you get this wrong you will continue spinning your wheels, chasing shiny objects and never settling on a proven system that works. You’ll keep hearing the same objections over and over again. You’ll keep chasing clients who are not ready, not committed, and addicted to struggle.

But when you get this right, you’ll know exactly what to do every step of the way. You’ll end conversations with a deposit or full payment on the first call. You’ll begin speaking with clients who are ready, committed, and determined to succeed.

This is exactly what happened with my client Jamillah.

jamillah rahmaad public relations expert

Jamillah has an established business as a Public Relations agent working with celebrity and corporate clients.

She was offering a done-for-you PR service package that required much of her time and energy and she began to see that it was not a scalable business model.

She decided to work with me to create a done-with-you PR coaching package to create a leveraged business model.

She knew that she would need a system to bring in these new types of clients because her warm network was filled with potential clients on the done-for-you side.

She believed that she would have to dramatically drop her rates in order to entice clients to get coaching versus a hands-off experience.

She was also used to the proposal and follow up method of booking clients where she would pitch and follow up several times until a contract was closed.

We had several sincere conversations about the value and impact that she offers and the results she helps her clients achieve, and at my encouragement, she raised her rates.

Then, we created a presentation that did the heavy lifting for her, overcoming objections, establishing her expertise, and building credibility with high-ticket clients.

She started booking calls and closed 2 new high-ticket clients over the phone with payments in full.

jamillah payment over phone

She’s not the only one. And it’s possible for you too when you make these same shifts my clients made.

If you truly want to start booking high-ticket coaching clients but you feel like there is something holding you back, then I want to give you an opportunity to get clarity on what is in your way.

Your chance to get the clarity you need

My team and I have opened space on our calendars for the next 48 hours to meet with you personally.

On the call, we’ll be able to see what your specific blocks are. I will help you get clear on your message, your ideal client, and you’ll know exactly what to charge.

You’ll get clarity on how to reposition yourself, your services, and your actions to attract high-ticket clients.

This is a no obligation call.

I don’t invite everyone to work with me. Only those that are truly motivated to make a difference and willing to step up and make a commitment to themselves and their business.

If I determine that you are a good fit, then I will make an invitation to help you just like other clients we've helped.

Regardless, the call is designed to help you discover your personal blocks and what is holding you back from filling your coaching program with high-ticket clients.

However this is not for everyone.

This is for you if you’re tired of being confused and you truly desire clarity.

You’ve gotten results for clients in your area of expertise.

You’re resourceful, coachable, and decisive.

You’re more committed to your success than excuses.

You currently have or would like to create a high impact coaching program and you would like to enroll more high-quality clients.

Click below to book your call. There is a short application and once you complete it you’ll be able to choose a time that works for you.

We’ll get you scheduled in for a Profit Planning call where you’ll get 3 things.

The first thing we’re going to do is determine if you can even sell a high-ticket offer. Then we’ll help you choose the right pricing for your offer and audience.

Secondly, we’ll determine which of these pieces you are missing and if we can help you get on the path to 6-figures we’ll definitely let you know. 

And finally, just for attending the call, you’ll get a free copy of 8 Steps to $8K per month, a video series I recorded just as I was hitting my first 8,000 month. Why 8k? 

$8,333 per month is $100,000 in a year. 

Because it was recorded directly after I hit that goal, I was able to share exactly what I did and how I was feeling at that moment.

During the call if we determine that you are a good fit, and we’re confident that we can get you on the path to six-figures, then we will make an invitation to help you just like we’ve helped the clients you read about in this post.

Just click here to schedule your Profit Planning Session. 

Spaces are limited. Complete the short application and you’ll be able to choose a time that works for you. 

I look forward to speaking with you and helping you get on the Path to 6-Figures!
