The other day I spoke with a coaching client who is hosting a webinar in a few days. She had a partial outline, but not the entire webinar script. We worked together and within 20 minutes we had created the majority of her webinar, scripted and ready to go. She only had to finish some of the smaller pieces.
I believe in the power of webinars to get coaching clients. Webinars give you the opportunity to not only cover the inspirational and informational content with your ideal client, but webinars also provide a way for your ideal client to get to know you better. With the right webinar, you begin to build that know, like, and trust factor because you are sharing helpful content.
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- That they can get results with your program
- That it’s possible to get those results by working with you and.
- That it’s possible for them to get results with you inside of your program.
Your ideal client must believe those three things by the end of the webinar in order for them to take action on your offer. Those are the main three things that you must establish. And that’s a perfect webinar, it’s your persuasive argument to help you sell your product and services.
In this post I’ll share my process for writing a great webinar: how I quickly script a webinar, how I create an attention grabbing title, description, and how you can create a webinar presentation in a weekend. This content is best suited for coaches or consultants selling a course, coaching package, or consulting service.
If you need help writing a coaching webinar, my goal is that you feel much more confident by the end of this post. And if you’d like a guided process, I’ll share how you can get additional help at the end of the post. But before we get there, I’m going to help you write a webinar script.
What do you need in order to write a webinar in 20 minutes? First you’ll have to know your ideal client. Then you need to have your personal story. You’ll want three to six testimonials and then you’ll need your pitch. The “teaching” or “meat” of the presentation is interwoven with your personal brand story and the testimonials. That is because it is much easier to describe a feature or benefit that already has a client testimonial or client experience to back it up.
Create A Webinar Step 1 – Define Your Ideal Client
A great sales-generating webinar begins with research. While you may already have an idea of your target audience – maybe the demographics, career level, and household size, among other details – there are 3 major pieces of research that you’ll need to make sales to that ideal client.
Understand the Doubts of Your Ideal Client
What is your ideal client unable to do? What are they not sure that they can do? Why do they doubt that they can actually get results? Why would they potentially doubt that you can help them get results? What doubts do they have about the effectiveness of your program? Why do they have those doubts?
When you understand the doubts of your ideal client, you can begin to gather your proof to the contrary. It’s kind of like a trial where the prosecution has to provide all of the arguments they plan to bring so the defense attorneys can start building their defense. Your ideal client has doubts. Those doubts are accusing you, your program, and even their own failures from the past. It’s your job to create a persuasive argument to overcome all of those doubts.
Understand the Pain Points of Your Ideal Client
What is this problem they have? What other problems does this cause in their life? Why is it a problem? Why does your ideal client struggle with this problem? How did this problem start? Who else is affected by this problem that they have?
When you can describe those pain points and you understand them thoroughly, your ideal client begins to trust you. It’s kind of like when you go to the doctor and the doctor asks all the right questions.
“It hurts when I touch here doesn’t it?” The doctor asks.
“Why, yes it does!” You exclaim. “How could you know that?”
“Because I’m the best doctor this side of the Mississippi.
Let’s get you scheduled for that appointment.”
“Sure thing!”
See how easy that was? The doctor didn’t have to SELL you on why you should book an appointment, the doctor simply knew exactly what those pain points were and that built trust with you.
Side note: On the other side of the pain points is the awesome thing they want to have. The thing that you provide. But unfortunately, the person who is in pain cannot even imagine how great life can be once that pain is gone. It’s your job to paint that picture for them and help them imagine a better future.
Understand the Frustrations of Your Ideal Client
Ever tried your hardest and failed? Did you try again after that? Maybe you gave it one last go before giving up? Your ideal client is frustrated. It’s likely that they’ve already tried to get this problem solved and they haven’t been able to do it.
What is frustrating them? Why does it frustrate your ideal client in particular? What have they tried in the past that didn’t work? Why didn’t it work? Is there a reason it didn’t work for them in particular?
This is very important for you to know, because if you try to share with them your new discovery or way of doing things, and it’s something that they’ve tried before, you’re going to have a hard time getting through.
Once you have these three pieces you essentially have the meat of your webinar.
Want to see how I bring all of this together? Register for The Path to Six Figures training and I’ll show you how one simple Anti-Webinar can help you get coaching clients automatically.
Create A Webinar Step 2 – Explore Your Personal Brand Story
What is your personal brand story? Is it your life story? Not quite. Your personal brand story is more about your ideal client.
I hate to say it like this, but people really don’t care about your story that much. They really care about themselves. That means you have to craft your story so that your ideal client can see themselves in your story.
Here’s an example:
One of my clients helps people become a virtual assistant. She’s has a program showing how to potentially make $10,000 in a month as a virtual assistant. When we worked on crafting her story, I realized she’s got a lot that she can talk about.
She can talk about how she was able to book all of these clients and make $10,000 in a month. But really the most important part of her story is not necessarily how she was able to do it, but the fact that she was able to pay off debt, support herself as a single woman, and leave her job once she started making $10,000 in a month.
I asked her what is your ideal client struggling with? Why do they want the $10,000 in a month? She mentioned a lot of them are divorcees or people who were married and they’re no longer married and they’re trying to make an income for themselves. And because she knows her audience, she can pull out those parts of her story that mirror and reflect her audience.
Creating a Story Arc
Every good story has a good story arc. The main character was doing great, then tragedy struck, and then they have to figure out how to get back to the good life.
The Lion King – Simba was the son of a king, and everything he saw was his to rule over. His father dies and he’s devastated, unsure if he even wants to be king. But he must take a journey to take his rightful place.
Pay attention to the movies you watch, many have story arcs similar to this one.
You can move the pieces around, but in general, the story arc remains.
- I’ve been able to do this or I’ve been able to help my clients do this.
- Then “tragedy” strikes and you say, but it wasn’t always like this. Or five years ago this, this wasn’t true. That’s when you share the low part and it reflects where they are right now, or where they’ve been.
- Then you share how you were able to overcome. And this is where your ideal client wants to go.
During the webinar you should be able to share your story in a few sentences, then move directly from your story into what’s most important, which is what they came to learn.
Create A Webinar Step 3 – Get 3 – 6 Client Testimonials
Next you’ll need three to six testimonials. How do you get three to six testimonials if you haven’t worked with anyone yet? Work for free to get that first testimonial, then start with a lower price point and continue to do your coaching as you get those additional testimonials.
These can be a testimonials from your clients, or from trial clients, even if you worked with them without receiving pay. As long as they have results to show, you can include those results. You can also be your own testimonial. Sharing your results in your story is different from using yourself as the testimonial.
As with sharing your personal brand story, the only reason that you’re sharing these testimonials is to reflect your incoming client. The testimonials will follow the same story arc.
This is where this client is now. But it wasn’t always like this. This is where they were before we started working together, they were exactly where you are. They were able to do this amazing thing. They are just like you.
Create A Webinar Step 4 – Craft Your Pitch
This is where most webinars fail. The content is great, the intro went well, and then the pitch bombs. Why? Because you likely didn’t start by writing the pitch. The offer – and the pitch that sells the offer – is the foundation of a sales-generating webinar.
- How does each piece of your offer kill the doubts of your ideal client?
- How does each piece of your offer alleviate the pain points of your ideal client?
- How does each piece of your offer sooth the frustrations of your ideal client?
What supporting evidence can you share to prove that your offer works? Why do they need to take action now? There are several moving parts just for the pitch. But when done correctly, the pitch is the easiest part of the webinar. And none of it feels pushy or like forcing the sale.
So now you have the four parts. You know your ideal client, you have your brand story, you have your 3-6 client testimonials, and you have your pitch. How do you pull it all together in 20 minutes?
I use a formula. I’ve been writing my own webinars since 2015. And after evaluating what works and what doesn’t work, I created a formula that I started to teach to clients beginning in 2017. Those clients have been getting great results with it. I call it the Anti-Webinar formula.
Most webinars are boring, make me fall asleep, and are full of fluff.
The Anti-Webinar is very engaging and it hooks attendees from the very start. You never have to ask for their attention because you have their attention from the very start.
Once you have these 4 parts, you can just just plug them into the formula and then your webinar is done. A formula is really powerful when you have the right pieces, it’s like putting together the easiest puzzle in the world.
If you’d like to see the Anti-Webinar formula that I’ve been talking about I explain it on The Path to Six Figures training. You just go to