Are you trying to sell your courses or your coaching, but you’re still having trouble getting them off the ground? Today I am going to walk you through a few reasons why you’re not making the sales you want.

Why You're Not Making the Sales you Want

If you truly want to help people as a transformational coach — then I first want to congratulate you. It’s not easy being the type of person who can help someone make a change in their life. The next step though now that you have a coaching business is to obtain clients. This is why you’re exactly in the right place because that’s what we do here at You’ve Got Clients.

To kick things off, the number one reason why you’re not making the sales you want is that you’re probably not confident enough to be yourself as a coach.

When you’re presenting yourself as a coach you have to tell people exactly what they need. What they need to do and draw out results for them. You have to be clear and firm on your stance as a coach. What your process is and the transformation your client can expect. Without that, it’s extremely hard for a prospective client to trust you, let alone pay you.

Something I would suggest is when you go to write down what you offer or sell, start by explaining it to someone. You should be able to explain the value. of your offer quickly. It should also be easy enough for a 1st grader to understand. This will help you gain so much more clarity on what your client can expect from you. Therefore, making your sales process 10x more effective.

In addition, you HAVE to establish your voice, beliefs, and concepts for yourself and you have to share them boldly. You can’t waiver, or mimic your favorite mentor. You also can’t try to fit the mold because everyone else seems to be successful doing it. I have found that the more unique and authentic you are, the more high-quality, soul-aligned clients come your way.

The second reason why you’re not making the sales you want is that you’re not pricing your services correctly.

In many cases, people are pricing themselves too high or too low, and it’s heavily affecting the outcome of their sales.

The psychology behind it is that when you see a higher price, you usually immediately think “quality”. You think high value goes with the high price. Then when you see a lower price, your brain automatically attributes a lower quality, lower value to a lower price. Ironically, many people don’t automatically think “good deal” with a lower price tag. They are much quicker to question the legitimacy and value first.

As a coach, if you’ve priced too low, you might be perceived as cheap or low quality. Yet, if you’re priced higher than the market when you’re just starting, it’s difficult to command those higher prices. As you don’t have results/credibility to show yet.

When it comes to pricing yourself correctly it all comes down to that confidence factor again. You can price yourself at whatever you want, but if you don’t have the confidence to back up those prices, then people will sense it and hold on to their credit card.

The key is to find your “happy price”.

What is a price you can fully get behind and feel confident telling people but is high enough that when you sell it, you genuinely feel excited to do the work? When we feel undervalued we underperform, so make sure your price is encouraging you to put your best foot forward. It would also help to go online and look up the average price for coaches, services, and businesses. At the very least that will give you a base number and it’s helpful to know the market value.

As I said, you can charge whatever you want to charge, it just needs to be a price you can feel completely confident about and compensated for.

Lastly, the third reason why you’re not making the sales you want is that your sales process is draining your energy.

When I first started coaching I was determined to gain a full docket of client. I was willing to do whatever it took to get there. This led to me booking 27 different discovery calls in a month. Which worked, but completely drained me. Being an introverted entrepreneur, those calls were the bain of my existence.

I knew that at least in the meantime, calls were going to be a part of the picture. So I created some rules that made the experience easier for me. One of them is that I made sure I had at least 24-hour notice in advance. I changed the settings in my calendar and made it so that at any given time I would have ample notice before I had to do a discovery call.

Secondly, I limited the number of calls I could take in a day. I even limited the number of days a week I took discovery calls. These boundaries made me feel so much more in control over my time and work experience.

Finally, I made a questionnaire and vetting system that ensured that I would only be talking to qualified clients. The prospect receives detailed information beforehand to answer any common questions (so I don’t have to on the phone). Then they fill out a form so I know if they are prepared to take my program.

Creating a system for your sales strategy is vital if you’re going to keep the energy and longevity up.

OK, so these are all the reasons why you’re not making the sales you want, and now it’s time to start making all those sales you DO want!

If you’re looking for THE BEST marketing system for coaches and a team that’s going to gain you high-quality, high-paying clients — then you’re in the market for our signature program: The Path to 6-Figures.

This is an extremely thorough, detailed, proven system that is specifically designed for coaches. You can not make it in the coaching business without making 6-figures or more, and it’s so much simpler than you’d think.

These are my tested and proven tactics I use in my own multiple 6-figure coaching business. Every piece of the puzzle is laid out for you in this program.

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Hi, I'm LaTisha Styles, and I'm here to help you get clients for your digital product empire! When you're ready, there's 3 ways I can help.

1. If you're getting started selling coaching, I recommend you start with this affordable course.

  • Brand New Coach: Ever wish you could go back in time and give your former self the shortcuts to success? I wish I could. But since I can't, I'll give you the shortcuts instead. In this mini course, I share exactly what I would do if I were starting a new coaching practice

2. If you're ready to build a digital product empire, I recommend you get this foundational course.

  • The Path to 6-Figures: The ONE thing you need to have a wildly successful digital product empire is a marketing system that works for you, bringing consistent clients. I've generated $1M+ selling my knowledge in courses, coaching, and consulting. In this course, you'll finally put together all the pieces you need to have a system that runs on auto-pilot.

3. If you'd like to get my direct help, apply for a consultation call. I offer done-for-you services to help you get clients with systems that work for you.

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