Have you ever heard the expression, “the calm before the storm”? Well, I believe that this is a major stepping stone on the journey to success. Usually right before things take off there’s a lull or even a difficult season right before. This can be the most important part of the plan, and we have to recognize it for what it is. Today I am telling you all about preparing for your success & the calm before the storm.

So you’ve got this big thing that you’re focusing on. This goal that you’re pushing towards and visualizing and manifesting around. You’re working hard, just going through the motions, trudging along and things are fine. Then all of a sudden it feels like just chaos, and nothing is working emotionally.

You feel unstable, you feel like everyone’s watching you, you’re gonna fail, and the world is turning upside down.

Chaotic things start happening around you and there seems to be a rift in all parts of your life. In many cases, your relationships tend to strain or crumble. Your health can take a turn, or something happens that takes a major shot to your confidence. At the moment this can feel devastating. Tricking you into thinking that these are signs that your goals are not going to happen. Or it can feel like the whole Universe is working against you.

I am here to tell you that it’s entirely the opposite. When we are about to evolve into our highest self the energetic dynamics around us have to shift. Your reality has to get in line to accommodate this new you. In many cases, this means that the old you and the old life you were living has to die off.

Sometimes that manifests as a sickness in your body. Relationships have to change or shift. It can cause old traumas to resurface, or memories that you’ve locked away to make an appearance with full force. What I have found is that most of the time we are forced to heal within ourselves to shift. Unfortunately meaning that old wounds get ripped open again.

I also hate to break it to you, but if you’re working towards something that you want deeply or something you’ve worked towards for a long time, that transformation is usually the most unsettling and hurtful.

When you’re making moves that are going to affect your entire life. Your income, your relationships, where you live, what you do, you are not just you shifting your thoughts and physical being. It’s a shift energetically, and you have to internally prepare to handle the new life you’re working towards. To state it clearly, you can’t live your highest life if you’re not showing up as your highest self. The old beliefs, thoughts, lifestyle, and relationships that got you here likely don’t have a place for you in the next level. They have to fall away.

It can turn into an internal battle within yourself because your old self feels comfortable.
Even if it doesn’t serve you, many people find a lot of comfort in the “Devil they know”. Yet, that resistance can cause even more damage. What I have found personally is that when I get stubborn and resistant to internal growth my body fights me. I never get sick, and coincidentally when I’m about to uplevel in a big way I come down with something.

Since this has happened multiple times, I’ve learned to reflect and ask myself, “what am I resisting right now?”, “Is there a deeper reason for why this is happening?”
In a lot of cases in regards to my goal, if there’s a ton of resistance I’m self-sabotaging the goal from happening. There is an underlying reason for why I don’t want to happen. This then has to heal before I can move forward.

Let me give you a very specific example. I have been on the verge of a million-dollar company for a while now, and I keep being right on the cusp and not achieving the goal.
Things keep coming up, or not working, and my personal life has felt more chaotic than ever. So I took the time to self-reflect and I realized that I was resisting the million-dollar company because I was spending too much time not doing what I loved. I want to be in front of the camera, making YouTube videos and LIVE streams. I want to create, and I’m stuck doing all the marketing and maintenance for my courses and programs.

Of course, I’m so grateful to HAVE a business TO market, but I internally knew that if I grew more as a company, I would be spending MORE time in the weeds and less time recording videos. This very real conversation with myself led to me finally hiring a team.

Until now I was so scared to invest the money and bring other people into my space and livelihood. Yet, miraculously, it’s almost like the more money I spend, the more money I make!

The newfound availability and freedom I have now has been invaluable. I have been so much more innovative and excited and encouraged to expand my company to new heights. In so many ways I feel like I can finally have the space to think about the next steps while knowing that my baby is being taken care of and nurtured. That leap not only has made my million-dollar year possible but has allowed me to see an entirely different future for myself. I’m happier within my company and I can show up as my highest, best self for it.

That’s all I have on preparing for your success & the calm before the storm. If you’re struggling emotionally or having a hard time achieving your goals, trust me, it’s just you preparing for success & the calm before the storm. If you want to know more about my manifestation journey and stay up to date on my work let’s hang on social media! Follow me at @latishastylestv

Hi, I'm LaTisha Styles, and I'm here to help you get clients for your digital product empire! When you're ready, there's 3 ways I can help.

1. If you're getting started selling coaching, I recommend you start with this affordable course.

  • Brand New Coach: Ever wish you could go back in time and give your former self the shortcuts to success? I wish I could. But since I can't, I'll give you the shortcuts instead. In this mini course, I share exactly what I would do if I were starting a new coaching practice

2. If you're ready to build a digital product empire, I recommend you get this foundational course.

  • The Path to 6-Figures: The ONE thing you need to have a wildly successful digital product empire is a marketing system that works for you, bringing consistent clients. I've generated $1M+ selling my knowledge in courses, coaching, and consulting. In this course, you'll finally put together all the pieces you need to have a system that runs on auto-pilot.

3. If you'd like to get my direct help, apply for a consultation call. I offer done-for-you services to help you get clients with systems that work for you.

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