Are you wondering why you can’t gain clients even after feeling like you’ve tried everything?

As a digital marketing strategist, I help business owners build an online presence so you can effortlessly gain clients online.

I went from scraping by to five figure months in less than a year and created location and time freedom with clients all over the U.S.

If you’ve become frustrated at the fact that you haven’t been gaining any new clients, your process has probably been missing a few key elements.

Once you learn and implement those missing elements, you’ll find that clients will become naturally attracted to you.

I’m going to share with you exactly how to use these three strategies to improve your online presence so you can gain more clients online.

Step 1: Don’t Be Afraid to Be Yourself

If you are shy, be shy. If you are introverted, be introverted. If you are outgoing, be outgoing. Stay true to whatever your personality is.

Don’t pretend to be hyper and excited if that’s not you.

I’ve had this issue in the past and so I speak from experience.

I wanted to be just like the person on Periscope with tons of energy and effervescence.

However, that’s just not me. But I am the type of person who’s going to give you exactly what you need.

I’m going to give you actionable tips to move your business forward. I’m also going to give you the vision and the strategy behind the tips.

I don’t need to be super animated in order to do that.

I used to be self-conscious about the way I spoke and realized that I had to overcome that as well.

I had to be myself and be comfortable with it. Whatever your personality is, don’t be afraid to be you. Your authenticity will shine through and you will gain more of the clients that you want.

Step 2: Share Your Story

It’s important to share those experiences that brought you to where you are today.

This is something that I cover with my clients as we really dig deep into their story.

I do this because I want them to be able to answer the question, “what do you do?” confidently.

I want them to not only say what they do, but tie in their story along with their business so that it is more compelling.

No one is going to remember your title. People are not going to remember that I’m a digital marketing strategist.

The only thing that matters and what people will remember is that I came from nothing.

I graduated into the Great Recession, paid off over $32,000 in debt, I started my own business as a side hustle, and grew it into a full-time income by building my platform as a millennial personal finance expert.

That’s the story that I share.

I make sure to share those vulnerable points in my life when I was crying because I wasn’t making enough money when I was trying to pay down every dollar of debt along with when I had to turn down friends who wanted to hang out because I was too busy with debt payoff.

I share those stories and vulnerable points in my life openly and this is important because I am my brand.

I am a service-based entrepreneur and when someone hires me, they’re not hiring a large corporation.

They’re hiring LaTisha.

It’s important for me to share my story as my brand and I would encourage you to share those vulnerable points in your life as well.

Be mindful that the story you share is supposed to tie into your brand, who you are and what you do.

While I do share the story of how I paid off $32,000 of consumer debt, it ties into my brand as a millennial personal finance expert.

I talk about my struggle with trying to become successful because it ties into my brand that helps entrepreneurs become successful.

As you build your presence online, you might find that certain pieces of your story resonate with your audience more.

Even though your back story will not change, the parts that you share should be the ones that can help your audience the most.

The purpose is to help them relate to you and see you as more than just the person that can help them, but also as the person they like to work with.

Step 3: Find Someone Who Can View You from the Outside Looking In

Many times, we tend to look at ourselves and say: “I’m good at this”, or “I’m not so good at this”, but often, it can be difficult to be truly objective.

It’s important to be honest with yourself when determining what you do not do well and what you are in fact good at but might not give yourself enough credit for.

It can be hard to figure that out unless you have someone other than you who can be on the outside looking in.

I would advise you to hire a coach, get with a mentor, or find an accountability partner to help. Then, just ask them what they see your talents are and if there’s anything they admire about you.

I discovered that I was really good at strategy.

I uncovered what my strength was by going to Gallup StrengthFinders and taking the StrengthFinders quiz. (You can take the quiz here.) I was really concerned that when I started my coaching business I wasn’t going to be able to really help anyone. You are your own worst critic.

I knew that I could help and that I wanted to help, but I wasn’t really sure about how I was going to execute my plan.

I went to Gallup StrengthFinders and took their quiz to find that my number one strength was strategy.

While I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my strength was strategy once I received my quiz results, I felt I knew it all along on the inside.

Don’t be afraid to speak with someone who is on the same journey as you are. If you’re an entrepreneur and you ask someone who is not an entrepreneur, they might not be able to tell you those specific entrepreneurial traits that you possess. In that case, take the quiz to get an objective view of yourself and your strengths.

Final Word

If you’re struggling to gain more clients, it’s imperative that you stop being afraid. Tell your story and share who you are.

Keep these three tips in mind when you work on improving your strategy to reel in new clients.

Remember that whether you’re shy, introverted or extroverted, it’s best to stay true to yourself.

Make sure your story ties into your brand message and use your strengths in your business.

When my clients come to me, they know that what they’ve been doing hasn’t been working. And so they realize they need a system to help them gain more clients.

Are you ready to put your own client gaining system in place?

I explain how in my article, How to Get Coaching Clients using a 4-step Marketing System.

Hi, I'm LaTisha Styles, and I'm here to help you get clients for your digital product empire! When you're ready, there's 3 ways I can help.

1. If you're getting started selling coaching, I recommend you start with this affordable course.

  • Brand New Coach: Ever wish you could go back in time and give your former self the shortcuts to success? I wish I could. But since I can't, I'll give you the shortcuts instead. In this mini course, I share exactly what I would do if I were starting a new coaching practice

2. If you're ready to build a digital product empire, I recommend you get this foundational course.

  • The Path to 6-Figures: The ONE thing you need to have a wildly successful digital product empire is a marketing system that works for you, bringing consistent clients. I've generated $1M+ selling my knowledge in courses, coaching, and consulting. In this course, you'll finally put together all the pieces you need to have a system that runs on auto-pilot.

3. If you'd like to get my direct help, apply for a consultation call. I offer done-for-you services to help you get clients with systems that work for you.

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