That moment you sell your first high-ticket coaching package feels really good. Especially when you struggled to put together the marketing to get people to the program.

Today's story is about Dani Broder. She helps artists and crafters to sell their art online.

Most people think success is a straight shot up, but in reality there are a lot of steps (and potential potholes) along the way. She had just lost her job so she decided to take the leap.

"I had all these systems set up and it felt like the missing piece was a webinar. I'm not an introvert but I would love to have passive income. I would like to spend my time with my clients as opposed to on my marketing. I want that to work automatically. I had been watching people do webinars and I had a set idea of what a webinar looked like in my head. I saw that you had a different approach and I said alright it's time let's go." - Dani

I love Dani's story because it shows how sometimes you have to just get your house in order. Dani is special because she saw that there were flaws in her setup and she was willing to stop and get help.

LaTisha Styles

Hi! I'm LaTisha Styles but if you want, you can call me Tish. Using my "introvert-friendly" systems, my clients have generated 18K in two weeks, 10k in 10 days, and 95k in 12 months selling coaching and courses.
When I'm not helping clients build digital product empires, I'm usually preparing for my next fitness competition.

I started my coaching business with 6 email subscribers and used one simple process to generate a million dollars selling coaching, courses, and consulting online. This is where it all started.